Helping You Invest Well

About Better Credit 4 Us

We here at Better Credit (Better Credit 4 Us) deprive and diligently studied consumers rights and consumers laws, where credit and debt collection is concerned. We’ve become one of the top Certified credit consultants. It’s been our personal mission to educate and empower as many people as we could.

Amanda McRae our senior Credit Consultant the CEO of Better Credit the Writer and author of “The secret to building Better Credit to build a better future” Have been repairing and coaching individual credit for 8 years+ with incredible results and feedback from thousands of consumers.


Credit Repair Services

Better Credit 4 Us: There a one time payment, processing fee for Better Credit services of $150.00. When signing up with Better Credit you also need to sign up with a credit monitoring server, which is $30 a month. Your total initial start up fee will be $150 + $30 totaling you $180.00. The following work month/months will be $130.00, $100 for Better Credit services and $30 going towards the credit monitoring company you’ll be using.

This totals you $130.00 a month. When you sign up we give you access to your client portal, Inside your portal you’re able to see the entire process from beginning to end. Everything such as: what’s being disputed, what was removed, what was verified, updated etc can be seen in this clients portal. The process could take anywhere from 30-120 days because the credit bureau by law has 30 -45 days to respond. It’s a process of going back and forth with dispute letters, sometimes this process could take longer, sometimes less. It’s very possible to start seeing results within 30-45 days. If for some reason you’re not happy with our services, you can cancel at any time with no obligation or cancellation fee.

Better Credit services

Credit Tips – Better Credit 4 Us

1. Leaving your card on file helps to improve your credit utilization ratio and the age of credit on file.

2. Before agreeing to pay off a collection account make sure you ask for a paid deletion. Have the collection agency send a letter in writing.

3. Credit card companies don’t like to report credit limit or they report it lower than it actually is. This causes credit utilization rates to be higher then it actually is. Contact the creditor and ask them to have your credit limited reported on your credit file.

4. Increase your credit limit with the credit cards you already have. Increasing your credit limit can lower your credit utilization.

What are the Affects of having bad credit?

It AFFECTS where you live and how much you pay.

It AFFECTS what you drive, your monthly payments and interest rate.

It AFFECTS your ability to start a business.

It AFFECTS other monthly bills.

It can AFFECT your job search and much more.

Key Points

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    Payment History

    Payment history is how you manage to pay your bills. Payment history is determined whether or not you are paying on time.

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    Credit Utilization

    Credit Utilization is determined by how much money/credit you’re charging on your card. Credit utilization should always be 30% and under


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    Age of Credit

    Age of credit is determined by the amount of time you establish credit.

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    Inquiries are classified as either a hard inquiries or a soft inquiry. A hard inquiry are when Lenders pull your credit report because you either Applied for a credit card or loan.A soft inquiry is when a person or company check your credit as a back up check for a preapproval for a credit card offer. A soft inquiry will not affect your credit score however a hard inquiry will.


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    Mix Credit

    Mix credit is determined by different types of credit reporting on your credit file, such as revolving accounts and installments accounts.